Best ways to upgrade your property’s EPC rating ahead of 2025

As a property owner, it’s important to be aware of your property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating. An EPC rating is a measure of how energy-efficient a property is, ranging from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). However, from 2025, all newly rented properties must have an EPC rating of at least a C, while existing tenancies will need to meet these requirements by 2028. In this blog, we will discuss the best ways to upgrade your property’s EPC rating ahead of 2025.

Identify Your Property’s Current EPC Rating

To upgrade your property’s EPC rating, the first step is to identify its current rating. You can find out your property’s EPC rating by visiting the EPC register website and entering your postcode. The EPC register will display the EPC certificate, which includes the rating and recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of your property.

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Identify Areas for Improvement

After identifying your property’s current EPC rating, the next step is to identify areas for improvement. The most common areas for improvement include insulation, heating, lighting, and renewable energy systems. Prioritising these improvements based on cost-effectiveness is essential. Some improvements may be more expensive than others but offer better long-term savings.

Tips for Upgrading Your EPC Rating

Here are our top tips for upgrading your EPC rating:

  • Improve insulation – Poor insulation can result in significant energy loss. Insulating your walls, roof, and floors can help prevent heat loss and reduce your energy bills.
  • Install energy-efficient heating and hot water systems – Replacing an old, inefficient boiler with a modern, energy-efficient one can significantly improve your EPC rating.
  • Upgrade lighting to LED – LED lighting is more energy-efficient than traditional bulbs and can help reduce your energy bills.
  • Install renewable energy systems – Installing renewable energy systems such as solar panels can help generate energy and reduce your reliance on grid electricity.

Consider other upgrades such as double-glazing or smart home technology – upgrading your windows to double-glazed ones can help prevent heat loss. Additionally, installing smart home technology can help you manage your energy usage more effectively.

Financial Incentives for Upgrading Your EPC Rating

The UK government launched the ECO4 Scheme as an initiative to help reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency in the home. The scheme provides funding for homeowners and renters to upgrade their homes with energy-efficient boilers, insulation, and heating systems. The scheme also allows those eligible to access a Green Homes grant, which provides up to £10,000 towards the cost of certain energy saving improvements to their homes.

By making these changes, recipients can reduce their energy bills and improve the comfort of their homes. Additionally, the ECO4 scheme increases the energy efficiency of the UK’s housing stock, helping the country to reduce its overall energy consumption and carbon emissions.


Upgrading your property’s EPC rating is essential to meet the changes coming in 2025. Improving insulation, installing energy-efficient heating and hot water systems, upgrading lighting to LED, and installing renewable energy systems are effective ways to upgrade your EPC rating.

Be sure to take advantage of the financial incentives available to you to make upgrading your EPC rating more affordable. Don’t wait until 2025 to upgrade your EPC rating – take action now and enjoy the benefits.


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