How do I find out if my property is at risk of flooding?

The UK has a history of flooding, and with the changing climate, the risk of flooding is increasing. As a landlord, it’s essential to know whether your property is at risk of flooding. Flooding can cause significant damage to your property and affect your tenants’ safety and wellbeing. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to determine the flood risk of your property and how to protect it.

To find out if your property is at risk of flooding, you need to consider several factors:

  • Check the Flood Risk Map: The government has created a Flood Risk Map that shows the flood risk in your area. You can enter your postcode to determine the level of flood risk. 
  • Contact the Local Council: Your local council can provide you with information on the flood risk in your area. They will also be able to advise you on any flood protection measures you can take to protect your property.
  • Check the History of Flooding in Your Area: If your property is located in an area that has a history of flooding, it’s more likely to flood in the future. You can check the history of flooding in your area on the Flood Risk Map or by contacting your local council.
  • Hire a Professional: You can hire a professional to conduct a flood risk assessment of your property. They will assess the flood risk and recommend flood protection measures to protect your property.

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How to Protect Your Property From Flooding?

Once you determine the flood risk of your property, you need to take the necessary steps to protect it. Here are some measures you can take: 

  • Install Flood Doors and Windows: Flood doors and windows can prevent water from entering your property. They are specially designed to withstand flooding and are an effective way to protect your property.
  • Raise Electrical Outlets and Appliances: Raising electrical outlets and appliances can prevent them from getting damaged in the event of a flood. You can raise them to a height above the expected flood level.
  • Install a Sump Pump: A sump pump can help to remove water from your property during a flood. It’s a useful tool to have if your property is at risk of flooding.
  • Create a Flood Plan: Create a flood plan that outlines the steps you and your tenants should take in the event of a flood. The plan should include emergency contact numbers, evacuation procedures, and a list of essential items to take with you. 


What is a flood risk assessment?

A flood risk assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of the flood risk of your property. It considers the location of your property, the history of flooding in your area, and the likelihood of future floods.

How much does a flood risk assessment cost?

The cost of a flood risk assessment varies depending on the size of your property and the level of detail required. It can cost anywhere from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds.

Can I get insurance if my property is at risk of flooding?

Yes, you can get insurance if your property is at risk of flooding. However, the cost of insurance may be higher, and some insurers may refuse to provide coverage.


Knowing whether your property is at risk of flooding is crucial as a landlord. By checking the flood risk map, contacting the local council, checking the history of flooding in your area, and hiring a professional, you can determine the flood risk of your property. Once you determine the flood risk, you can take measures to protect your property from flooding.

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Sam has a wealth of experience across the private landlord and Build to Rent sectors. He has advised a wide range of clients across the whole of London on how to find great tenants, improve their assets and effectively market their properties for the best returns.

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