Why You Should Change Locks Between Tenancies

As a landlord, ensuring the safety and security of your tenants and property should be one of your top priorities. One crucial aspect of this is changing the locks between tenancies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore why changing locks is essential, how to choose the right locks, when to change them, and the potential benefits of smart locks.

The Importance of Changing Locks Between Tenancies

Tenant Security

Changing locks between tenancies is essential for providing a secure living environment for your new tenants. By doing so, you can ensure that previous tenants or unauthorised individuals do not have access to the property. This can help prevent burglaries and other security breaches, creating a sense of safety and trust between you and your tenants. In some jurisdictions, this is considered a legal obligation and failure to do so can incur fines or even lawsuits in the case of a security breach. 

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Protecting Your Property

Changing locks is not just about protecting your tenants; it’s also about safeguarding your property. Unchanged locks can increase the risk of break-ins and vandalism, potentially leading to costly repairs or insurance claims.

How to Choose the Right Locks for Your Property

Lock Types

There are various types of locks available, including deadbolts, mortice locks, and multi-point locking systems. To determine the best option for your property, consider factors such as door type, location, and security needs.

Security Ratings

Locks come with different security ratings, such as British Standard (BS) or Sold Secure ratings. These indicate the lock’s resistance to forced entry. Higher-rated locks offer better protection but may be more expensive. Weigh the cost against the level of security needed for your property.

When to Change Locks Between Tenancies

End of Tenancy

The most common time to change locks is at the end of a tenancy when a tenant moves out. This ensures that the property is secure before a new tenant moves in.

Lost or Stolen Keys

If a tenant loses their keys or has them stolen, it’s crucial to change the locks immediately to prevent unauthorised access.

Break-ins or Attempted Break-ins

If your property has experienced a break-in or attempted break-in, changing the locks is essential to restore security and reassure your tenants.

Tips for Managing Lock Changes

Keep Spare Keys

Keep a set of spare keys for each property to facilitate easy lock changes. Make sure to store them securely and label them clearly to avoid confusion.

Hire a Professional Locksmith

A professional locksmith can ensure that your locks are changed efficiently and securely. They can also advise on the best lock types and security measures for your property.

Maintain a Schedule

Keep track of when you last changed the locks for each property and schedule regular lock changes to maintain security. This can also help you manage costs more effectively.

The Cost of Changing Locks

The cost of changing locks can vary depending on factors such as the type of lock, the locksmith’s fees, and the number of locks being changed. While it may seem like an additional expense, it’s a necessary investment in the security of your property and tenants.

Smart Locks: An Alternative Solution?

Benefits of Smart Locks

Smart locks can offer several advantages over traditional locks, such as keyless entry, remote access, and increased security. With a smart lock, you can grant temporary access codes to tenants, eliminating the need for physical keys and reducing the risk of unauthorised entry.

Potential Drawbacks

However, smart locks also have some drawbacks, including higher costs, reliance on technology, and potential compatibility issues. Carefully consider whether a smart lock is the right solution for your property.


Changing locks between tenancies is a crucial step in ensuring the security of your tenants and property. By choosing the right locks, maintaining a schedule, and considering alternatives like smart locks, you can effectively manage this aspect of property management. Ultimately, it’s a small investment that can save you from significant headaches and costs down the line.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I change the locks on my rental property?

It’s recommended to change the locks between each tenancy, or when there is a security incident such as lost keys or a break-in.

  1. What type of lock is best for my rental property?

The best lock type will depend on factors such as door type, location, and security needs. A professional locksmith can provide guidance on choosing the right lock for your property.

  1. Can I change the locks myself, or do I need to hire a locksmith?

While you can change the locks yourself, it’s recommended to hire a professional locksmith to ensure the job is done correctly and securely.

  1. Are smart locks a good alternative to traditional locks?

Smart locks offer several benefits, such as keyless entry and increased security. However, they also have drawbacks, including higher costs and reliance on technology. Carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding on a smart lock and other smart features.

  1. How much does it cost to change the locks on a rental property?

The cost of changing locks depends on the type of lock, the locksmith’s fees, and the number of locks being changed. Budget for this expense as part of your regular property maintenance

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Sam has a wealth of experience across the private landlord and Build to Rent sectors. He has advised a wide range of clients across the whole of London on how to find great tenants, improve their assets and effectively market their properties for the best returns.

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